Reviews Website

Danil Shilkin (@danyakush) reviews

The Dangers of Online Traffic Arbitration Courses: How Not to Fall into a Trap

In recent years, the internet has been flooded with offers for traffic arbitration courses. Many of them promise incredible income and success in a short period. Unfortunately, reality often falls far short of these promises. In this article, we will explore the main dangers associated with purchasing such courses and provide tips on how to avoid disappointment and financial loss.

1. Overblown Expectations and Unrealistic Promises

One of the most common signs of fraudulent courses is the promise of “easy money.” Genuine traffic arbitration is a complex and labor-intensive job that requires knowledge and experience. If you are promised that you can earn thousands of dollars a month without effort or investment, it’s a red flag that you may be dealing with scammers.

2. Lack of Specific Data and Transparency

True professionals are always ready to provide specific data and examples of their successful campaigns. If a course only offers vague statements and promises without evidence, it’s a cause for concern. Verify whether the course authors have real results and reviews from students who have succeeded thanks to their training.

3. Lack of Support and Feedback

Good courses always offer support for students: this may include webinars, social media groups, or personal consultations. If, after purchasing the course, you are left alone with video lessons and no support, your chances of success diminish. Before buying, clarify what level of support is offered and how you can contact the instructors.

4. Overpriced Courses

The price of a course should match its content and quality. If a course is overly expensive, it could indicate that the authors are trying to make more money off their students than from actual arbitration. Do some research and compare prices for similar courses to determine if the course is worth the money.

5. Lack of Genuine Reviews and Recommendations

Scammers often use fake reviews and awards to create the illusion of success for their courses. Check reviews not only on the course website but also on third-party resources, forums, and social media. Look for real stories from people who have completed the course and are willing to share their experiences.

How to Protect Yourself?

  • Research: Take the time to research the course and its authors.
  • Compare Offers: Don’t buy the first course you come across, even if it seems ideal.
  • Be Skeptical: Don’t believe promises of easy money and success without effort.
  • Use Trial Versions: Many reputable courses offer free materials for you to sample.


Always remember that the online education field includes both honest instructors and scammers. Be vigilant and cautious to avoid falling victim to fraud. Your time and money deserve better.


10 responses to “Danil Shilkin (@danyakush) reviews”

  1. Kapustin Rostislav Avatar

    The author of the course promises quick profit and success, but in practice it is impossible. Lots of common phrases and beautiful words, but no real tools or strategies. Very disappointed.

  2. Kondratev Ruslan Avatar

    I am very disappointed with the course. It was absolutely useless, the information was superficial and general, without specific instructions. I feel cheated and that I wasted my money.

  3. Gusev Ilya Avatar

    After paying for access to the course I encountered problems. Technical support works terribly slowly, all requests remain unanswered.

  4. Kryukov Danila Avatar

    The course promised support and consultations, but in practice no one answers questions. After paying for access to the training material, all contact with the organizers was lost. Very sad.

  5. Trofimov Nikolay Avatar

    The materials are presented unstructured, there is no clear plan or logic. It is very difficult to follow the information, especially for beginners. I do not recommend it.

  6. Grigorev Ivan Avatar

    Of the entire course, only a few minutes were useful. The rest was just fluff and self-promotion. I feel cheated, I don’t recommend spending money.

  7. Sysoev Valentin Avatar

    The course promised mountains of gold, but the reality turned out to be completely different. The program is not worth the money, I did not learn anything new or useful. I regret the money spent.

  8. Efremov Aleksey Avatar

    The quality of the videos and presentations leaves much to be desired. The materials look unprofessional, there are many errors and shortcomings. It feels like the course was created in a hurry.

  9. Gulyaev Kirill Avatar

    The course lacks a practical part, all theoretical knowledge is too abstract. There are no specific examples and instructions on how to act in real conditions.

  10. Myasnikov Vladimir Avatar

    They promised unique strategies and methods, but in reality there is nothing new. All the tips and recommendations can be found in open sources for free. I do not recommend.

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