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Murad Karimov (@karimovv.murad) reviews

The Danger of P2P Cryptocurrency Arbitration Courses by Murad Karimov (@karimovv.murad): A Scam Experience

The cryptocurrency industry is attracting more and more people eager to profit from price fluctuations and arbitration. Unfortunately, as the popularity of cryptocurrencies grows, so does the number of scammers looking to exploit inexperienced enthusiasts. One such example is the P2P cryptocurrency arbitration course by Murad Karimov (@karimovv.murad). In this article, I will share my negative experience to warn others about potential fraud.

Overhyped Promises and False Advertising

When I first saw the advertisement for Murad Karimov’s course, I was drawn in by the promises of easy and quick profits from cryptocurrency arbitration. Loud claims that even beginners could achieve a stable income in a short time seemed convincing. However, the reality was entirely different. Most of the information was general and superficial, lacking specific instructions and practical advice.

Lack of Support and Feedback

One of the key selling points of the course was the promise of constant support from the instructor and his team. However, after paying for the course, communication with the organizers ceased. All my questions and requests for technical support went unanswered. This gave the impression that after receiving money from the students, the course authors were no longer interested in their success.

Poor Quality of Materials

The quality of the provided materials left much to be desired. The video lessons were recorded with poor equipment; the sound and image were often unclear. The presentations and documents contained numerous errors and typos. It felt as if the course was hastily put together without proper attention to detail.

Lack of Practical Value

The course was expected to provide specific tools and strategies for successful P2P cryptocurrency arbitration. However, most of the information was either widely known or useless. There were no clear instructions or practical examples, making it difficult to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Unrealistic Success Stories

The course’s promotional pages constantly showcased the successes of other students who allegedly achieved incredible results. However, after talking to other course participants, I realized that most of these stories were either fabricated or greatly exaggerated. There were very few real successful cases.


The course price was significantly higher than the market average. Given the poor quality of materials and lack of support, I believe it was a waste of money. Many free resources and articles on the internet contain much more useful information.

How to Avoid Such Traps

  1. Research the Course and Its Author: Take the time to research the course and its author. Look for real reviews and success stories; don’t rely solely on promotional promises.
  2. Compare Offers: Don’t buy the first course you come across, even if it seems ideal. Compare it with other offers on the market.
  3. Seek Free Resources: Before paying for a course, try to find free materials on the topic. They might turn out to be more useful.
  4. Be Skeptical of Big Promises: If someone promises easy money and quick success, be cautious. Real results require time and effort.


My experience with the P2P cryptocurrency arbitration course by Murad Karimov (@karimovv.murad) was extremely negative. I hope my review helps others avoid similar mistakes and not fall into the same trap. If you plan to invest in your education, be careful and thoroughly check all available information about the course and its author. Don’t trust loud promises and always look for real reviews and recommendations.

Remember, successful cryptocurrency arbitration requires time, effort, and knowledge. Don’t believe in easy money and quick success that you are promised online.


10 responses to “Murad Karimov (@karimovv.murad) reviews”

  1. Teterin Viktor Avatar

    Murad Karimov’s P2P arbitration course is nothing but a scam. The content is outdated and offers no practical value.

  2. Muhin Semyon Avatar

    Don’t waste your money on Murad Karimov’s course. The information is superficial and can easily be found for free online.

  3. Gorbachyov Rostislav Avatar

    I was extremely disappointed with the poor quality of materials in Murad Karimov’s course. It felt like it was thrown together without any care.

  4. Ryabov Fyodor Avatar

    The support promised by Murad Karimov’s course is nonexistent. After paying, all my inquiries were ignored.

  5. Stepanov Evgeniy Avatar

    Murad Karimov’s course is full of empty promises and false advertising. The ‘success stories’ are nothing but lies.

  6. Trofimov Yuriy Avatar

    I regret spending my money on Murad Karimov’s course. It was overpriced and didn’t deliver what was promised.

  7. Lapin Vadim Avatar

    Murad Karimov’s course is a complete waste of time and money. The content is shallow and lacks depth.

  8. Voronczov Ivan Avatar

    The success stories in Murad Karimov’s course are fabricated. There are very few real success cases among students.

  9. Pavlov Georgiy Avatar

    The course from Murad Karimov is just a money-making scheme. There’s no real value in the content.

  10. Rozhkov Matvey Avatar

    Murad Karimov’s P2P arbitration course offers no practical tools or strategies. It’s just a collection of general advice.

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