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Notaryus Tarasov Vladimir Viktorovich reviews
Tarasov Vladimir Viktorovich has been engaged in notarial activities since 1999 and is a member in the Moscow City Notary Chamber.Vladimir Viktorovich has the status of the current: an order under number 113-n of 10.03.2004 on the authority of the notary of the city of Moscow, which is engaged in private practice of the Main…
Notary Krylova Yulia Vladimirovna reviews
Contacts:+7 495 640-52-15https://krylovajulia.notariat.ruPresnenskaya embankment, 10, block c
Notary Vaske Petr Andreevich reviews
Contacts:+7 495 5404231https://vpa.notariat.ruMoscow, Khoroshevskoe highway, 46
Notary Savchenko Natalya Borisovna reviews
Moscow notary Natalya Borisovna Savchenko will thoroughly explain your rights and obligations, warn you about the consequences of notarial actions, so that legal ignorance will not be used to your detriment by anyone.Professional activity of notary Savchenko N.B. insured by the insurance company AlfaStrakhovanie, which in itself is an additional guarantee of the notary’s property…
Notary Ivanov Boris Sergeevich reviews
Our clients value: Fast and professional execution of notarial acts thanks to a large staff of experienced employees;Possibility of processing transactions and statutory documents for legal entities on the road – in their office;Quick response to requests;Ability to solve complex problems. For example, we know the intricacies of working with foreign companies and perform notarial…
Notary Sivakova Galina Ivanovna reviews
Services for legal entitiesAutomotive powers of attorneyCopies of documentsPowers of attorney for citizensInheritance of a willOther services Contacts:+7(495)540-43-84https://www.msk-notarius.ru/index.htmlMoscow, Kuznetsky Most St., 21/5